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Exploring the Ancient Wonders of the World

There are seven wonders of the world: The Great Pyramid of Giza, The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, The Statue of Zeus at Olympia, The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, and The Colossus of Rhodes.

In ancient times, people looked up at the stars and wondered about the Universe. They gazed at the vast expanse of the ocean and wondered what was beyond. They looked at mountains and cliffs and wondered how they were formed.

And they looked at the amazing variety of life on Earth and wondered how it came to be. Today, we still look at the world around us with wonder. We marvel at the tallest mountains, the deepest oceans, and the biggest animals.

We admire the beauty of flowers, sunsets, and rainbows. We are awestruck by thunderstorms, tornadoes, and volcanoes. And just as people have always done, we continue to wonder about the Universe and our place in it.

Are we alone in this vast cosmos? What is our purpose? What is the meaning of life?

These are questions that may never be fully answered. But that doesn’t stop us from wondering about them. For as long as there have been people on Earth, we have looked around us with wonderment and awe.

And we will continue to do so for as long as there are people on Earth… because that’s what makes us human.

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NEW Seven Wonders of the World 2020

Are There 7 Or 8 Wonders of the World?

There are seven wonders of the world, and they are: the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, the Statue of Zeus at Olympia, the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes and finally, the Lighthouse of Alexandria. These wonders were first compiled by Greek historian Herodotus in the 5th century BC. Of these 7 wonders, only one –the Great Pyramid of Giza– still stands today.

The others have been destroyed by time or natural disasters such as earthquakes. There is some debate as to whether there should be 7 or 8 wonders of the world. This is because there is another ancient structure called Chichen Itza which is sometimes included on lists of the world’s wonders.

However, it is generally agreed that there are only 7 true wonders of the world.

What are the Seven Wonders of the World 2022?

There’s no definitive answer to this question since it largely depends on people’s opinions. However, there are some seven wonders of the world that are commonly cited. They are:

1. The Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt 2. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon in Iraq 3. The Statue of Zeus at Olympia in Greece

4. The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus in Turkey 5. The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus in Turkey 6. The Colossus of Rhodes in Greece

Is It 7 Or 12 Wonders of the World?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on who you ask and what criteria they are using to determine the wonders of the world. Some people might say there are seven wonders of the world, while others might say there are twelve. It really just comes down to personal opinion.

If we’re talking about the ancient Seven Wonders of the World, then these would be the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, the Statue of Zeus at Olympia, the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes, and finally, the Lighthouse of Alexandria. These were all man-made structures that were considered to be some of the most impressive feats of engineering and architecture in their time periods.

However, if we’re talking about more modern day wonders of the world, then things start to get a bit more subjective. Some people might include natural phenomena like Niagara Falls or Mount Everest in their list. Others might include man-made marvels like

the Eiffel Tower or Machu Picchu. And still others might even include locations like Antarctica or outer space! So really, it just depends on what you consider to be a “wonder” and how many you want to include in your list.

How Many of the Original 7 Wonders Still Exist?

As of 2019, only one of the original Seven Wonders of the World still exists. The Great Pyramid of Giza is the only surviving wonder from the list that was compiled by Greek historian Herodotus in the 5th century BC. The other six wonders – the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Statue of Zeus at Olympia, the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes and the Lighthouse at Alexandria – are all lost to history.

It’s believed that most were destroyed by earthquakes or other natural disasters, while others succumbed to human intervention. The Colossus of Rhodes, for example, was toppled by an earthquake in 226 BC and then broken up and sold for scrap. The Great Pyramid is also thought to have been damaged by a series of earthquakes between 856 and 1323 AD.

However, it’s remained standing for more than 4,500 years and is still considered one of the most remarkable feats of engineering ever achieved.

List Wonders of the World

Credit: theplanetd.com


There are seven wonders of the world, and they are: The Great Wall of China, Petra in Jordan, The Colosseum in Rome, India’s Taj Mahal, Mexico’s Chichen Itza Pyramid, Peru’s Machu Picchu and Brazil’s Statue of Christ the Redeemer.

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